McCowans' Who's Who
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One component of this web site is "People". This page includes additional biographical material on various McCowans and others who have made notable contributions to their respective communities. Refer also to our Subject Index and to "New This Month".
John McCowan, Scientist We are presently looking for information regarding John McCowan, B.Sc. 1883; M.A 1886; D.Sc. 1892. In the 1890s John McCowan published several very important papers on wave theory. He was a grandson of John McCowan, tailor, of Bridge of Allan, Scotland. It is interesting that Bridge of Allan was known for its mineral waters. People came to the Bridge of Allan "baths" from all over Britain to be healed of various ailments. His grandparents earned income by lodging these tourists. Perhaps young John McCowan's interest in the nature of water (and waves) was due to his upbringing near these healing waters at Bridge of Allan. |