Educational Resources
Community |
Scarboro Heights Record
Started |
1 | Reviews and Comments: A focal point for getting started | Neigh the Front -- Exploring Scarboro Heights |
2 | Literacy: Ability to read and write is crucial | Attitude to Learning |
3 | A Methodology for Teaching Information Processing | Using local history as a catalyst |
4 | Inputs and Resources -- Context and Evidence | On-Line supplement to Neigh the Front -- A Scarborough Bibliography |
5 | Information Processing Techniques | On-Line supplement to Neigh the Front |
6 | Outputting "Better" Information -- Some Rules of Writing | On-Line supplement to Neigh the Front |
7 | Oral History Interview Strategy | With links to Interview Projects |
8 | Come back to this page | Review the administrative and organizational structure of this web site in the table immediately below |
9 | Table of Contents | Pick 3 alternate topics that interest you |
10 | Come back to this page | Review the general subject areas in this web site in the table immediately below and read some of the related articles (refer to the Subject Index and to the page, Latest Issue) |
11 | Pick your final topic OR participate in the official 2005-6 student project "Your Community in a World History Context" | And then develop your research, analysis and writing strategy. Good luck! |
Here is a list of only some of the key pages in this web site. Note that each page has an address of the form:
Page Address |
Subject of Page |
/real.htm | Site Sponsor, BeaMcCowan |
/patrons.htm | Patrons and Benefactors |
/scarboro.htm | Scarboro Heights Record |
/james.htm | James McCowan Memorial Social History Society |
/learning_units.htm | Learning Units (For Community Studies) |
/milk.htm | The Milk Challenge: furthering community studies in Schools |
/feeding.htm | Student Project -- Feeding the Family in a Local Economy |
/lesson.htm | Lesson Plan in support of the Student Essay Contest -- impact of the agricultural revolution on the development of rural communities in Canada. |
/exercise.htm | Exercises for the above Lesson Plan |
/publicat.htm | McCowan Society Publications (social and economic history) |
/tableof.htm | Table of Contents of this Web Site |
/search.htm | Site Search Tool |
/subject.htm | Site Subject Index and Educational Resource (this particular page) (Does not include the most recent volumes) |
/latest.htm | Recent Issues of Scarboro Heights Record (Volumes 9 and up) |
/historic.htm | List of Historic Sites (A view across "space") |
/notable.htm | Chronological List of Noteworthy Events (A view across "time") |
/glossary.htm | Definitions of old Scottish and Upper Canadian terms -- to assist in understanding the evidence |
Instructional -- Information Processing |
/potentia.htm | Potential Inputs: Partial bibliography and Resources (see also the child links) |
/informat.htm | Information Processing: Analysis and Interpretation |
/output.htm | Outputting "Better" Information: Some Rules of Writing |
/oral.htm | Conducting Oral History Interviews |
General Subject Areas (Most of these Subject pages include a finding aid in addition to child-links) |
/communit.htm | Community |
/culture.htm | Culture: Recreation, Arts, Worship, Family |
/economic.htm | Economics: Transportation, Work, Depression, Housing, Food Supply, Agriculture |
/schools.htm | Education and Schools |
/floraand.htm | Flora and Fauna: Environment, Natural Features, Scarborough Bluffs |
/immigrat1.htm | Immigration |
/services.htm | Public Service: Social Institutions, Public Health, Politics, Volunteerism, War |
/people.htm | Biographical |
/lowland.htm | The Lowland Clearances: The Agricultural Revolution in Scotland |
/james4.htm | A Useful Bibliography (see also other pages which are at the same level) |
Here is a list of some of the short articles that have appeared in The Scarboro Heights Record, (volumes 1 to 8 only). ("Coming Events" from past issues have been omitted.) I am also including a few extracts from Publications of the James McCowan Memorial Social History Society and related works. Abbreviations in the Mc Soc column are explained as follows.
Abbrev'n |
Title |
CS | Curling: A Scottish Sport in Scarborough |
FAA | Bill and Nancy McCowan Fortieth Anniversary Album |
FF | Fairs and Frolics: Scottish Communities and Work and Play |
JM | James McCowan Family from 1833 (Margaret Carr) |
SA | St. Andrew's 150 Years Ago |
TS | To Sustene the Personis: The Agricultural Revolution |
WG | When the Ground Fails: An Economic Watershed |
As a service to those who kindly purchase one of the McCowan Society publications (other than Curling), the Society will reveal 5 sources for passages of interest that appear on this web site.
I hope that some of these articles are useful for community and social studies classes in our schools. Please stand by as I add more articles from my back-issues. Happy reading!
See also: Recent Issues
See also: Recent Issues
James McCowan Memorial Social History Society
c/o 19 Monarchwood Crescent, Toronto, Ontario, M3A 1H3
A Non-Profit, Non-Charitable Organization Dedicated to Placing the
Scottish Experience Within the Wider Context of the Community
Contributor to the "Lowland Clearances" BBC-Radio Scotland Series
Scarboro Heights Record
An On-Line Learning Resource for Community Studies
Dedicated to Promoting Community Events,
Arts and Multicultural Activities,
Non-Profit Groups, Local History and Local Heroes
Visitors Since Oct. 8, 2006