Mural Routes
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My Nominations "Mural Routes" is an outdoor mural project initiated by the Scarborough Arts Council in 1990. The project is designed to improve the streetscape of the City of Scarborough, to make art accessible to the community and to recognize the unique features and heritage of the City. The murals of the Heritage Trail depict landmarks and events in Scarborough's history. As one of Scarborough's earliest and, by far, most important roads, The Kingston Road is indeed a "heritage trail". While the alignment of "The Front Road" (as it was often called) was altered at least twice by our "pioneers" in the early nineteenth century, it is clear that white folk were not the first to travel along the heights of Scarborough. As I explained in my last issue, the earliest presently-known site of human occupation in Metro Toronto was right here in our neighbourhood -- 10,000 years ago! Would we like to have a Heritage Trail Mural in Scarboro Heights? -- Of course! I have four Nominations for your consideration. Please register your vote with me and I will present the results to the Scarborough Arts Council.
From The Scarboro Heights Record V1 #2 Survey Results: Mural Routes In the August issue, I asked for your opinion on which one of four suggested Murals would be nice for the Brimley to Bellamy stretch of Kingston Road. My thanks to the fifty respondents. I will present the following survey results to the Scarborough Arts Council. Number of responses received: 50
It is fitting indeed that your neighbours have recommended that an Indian village be added to the "Heritage Trail" Mural Routes project. The earliest presently-known site of human occupation in Metro Toronto was in the Fenwood Heights area -- 10,000 years ago! From The Scarboro Heights Record V1 #4 |