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Scarboro Heights Record

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Old Fashioned Hospitality

Centennial Corners

No doubt you would like to hear an account of our adventure to Whitevale Monday evening to hear the Sherlock quartette. We met at Centennial Corners about five o’clock. Our driver brought his four able horses and a wagon to hold fifty persons, but all that appeared was thirty five. We started on our journey with merry hearts and all went well with us (although the roads were not in a very promising condition) until we were within a few rods of Whitevale corner. A cracking, a splitting and a smashing, and first thing we knew we were in a snow bank on the side of the road seven or eight people deep. Our wagon box had given away on the side. While the rescuing of the unfortunate took place, you would hear one fond husband enquire "Where is my wife?" another "Oh! Where is my wife?". When each man had his wife at his side, and each swain his sweet-heart, we saw another four in hand drive up with fifteen in their sleigh, but when they saw there might be distress, as the Priest and the Levite of old, passed by on the other side, but if we still have Priests and Levites, we have good Samaritans as well. When we got to the village we were met by your ex-deputy reeve David Annis, who took our driver to his home, threw open his stable doors, bound up our wounded wagon, and invited us all to come to his place for lunch after the concert, which invitation we all acepted. After enjoying the program and meeting many friends, we returned with Mr. Annis. His worthy wife had ready hot coffee, chicken sandwich, doughnuts and many other delicacies to which we did ample justice. We then returned homeward with the "Cheers for our host and hostess" and "God Save the King" all feeling that we had an evening’s enjoyment long to be remembered and all arrived home safe with no other accident.

The Scarboro Heights Record V11 #8
The Fanny Annis Scrapbook

Scarborough Heights Park

The late Jack Cavanagh quite appropriately summarized the end of an era in community togetherness in Scarborough :

Sadly, at the close of the 1929 season, the TTC ceased to operate the Scarborough Heights Park due to lack of support. The days of the huge church and community picnics seemed to have passed. The automobile had become king, and the trend was toward smaller group outings and family gatherings. By 1936, the radial lines in Scarborough and most other places had ceased to operate.[i]


Togetherness in Metro Toronto's heritage community is flourishing:

After all materials were fireproofed, the layers of the quilt were assembled on specially built frames, and the quilting was carried out in public at the CHP Heritage Centre. The fireproofing caused its own difficulties: needles corroded, thread broke. But [60] enthusiastic quilters took turns coming each week, chattering cheerfully and demonstrating that quilting is not only a heritage activity but a highly social one.

February 15/93[ii]

 "The Metro Heritage Quilt", produced for 46 local heritage groups, was presented to the people of Metropolitan Toronto on Heritage Day, February 15, 1993. Ultimately, the quilt is to hang in Metro Hall at a location to be determined by the Public Art Policy Advisory Committee of Metro.

[i]               Jack Cavanagh, "Parks in Scarborough Remembered", in " Scarborough Historical Notes and Comments", Vol. XI, No. 2, p. 10. Scarborough Heights Park was operated by the Toronto and York Radial from about 1904. The Park was situated between Kingston Road and the Lake at Bellamy Road . The Ontario Agricultural Schools Fair was held in the Park in 1920.

[ii]               From The Metro Heritage Quilt, commemorating the presentation of the Quilt to the people of Metropolitan Toronto, February 15, 1993.


The Scarboro Heights Record V13 #9